Breast Enlargement at The Harley Medical Group

Breast enlargement surgery, also known as breast augmentation or breast enhancement, is one of the most regularly performed procedures in the UK and involves the insertion of implants under the breast tissue to increase the size or change the shape of the breasts.


Since my operation I've never been happier, best decision I've ever made. I now finally have confidence and like the way I look. I'm ever so grateful. I can say I actually have boobs again, and I couldn't thank Harley Medical enough.

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Care Quality Commission (CQC) Regulated

GMC Registered Surgeons

Paige's Breast Augmentation Story

Consultations available over the phone & face to face with no obligation

Many women choose to have breast augmentation surgery to boost body confidence and to feel comfortable with the size and shape of their breasts.

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Breast Enlargement & Augmentation surgery at The Harley Medical Group is rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 3,838 reviews

Our Surgeons are registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) and our nurses are Registered General Nurses (RGN) to ensure that you’re provided with the best level of service and support throughout your journey.

The surgery only takes between one and two hours, and patients make a full recovery between four and six weeks after surgery.

We use Mentor Breast Implants, made by the Johnson and Johnson company, for a natural look and feel with minimal scarring.

Choice of either round or CPG (also known as anatomical or teardrop) implants in a wide variety of projections and sizes.

We make a number of small, discreet incisions to ensure that there is the minimal amount of scarring, and these will fade over time until they are almost invisible.

We have performed thousands of breast enlargement procedures across our 16 clinics in major cities across the UK including Manchester, Nottingham, Cardiff, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leeds and our flagship clinic on Harley Street in London.

Available at our 9 clinics across the UK


Consultations available over the phone & face to face


The Procedure for Breast Enlargement

At The Harley Medical Group, all of our medically led team of Surgeons and Cosmetic Surgery Nurses have years’ of experience and all are registered with the General Medical Council (GMC). 

The breast enhancement operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic. The operation time will vary from patient to patient and can take one to two hours. The surgeon will make an incision in the skin about 3 to 5cms long, usually in the crease below the breast but incisions can also be made in the underarm or around the areola (nipple).

The surgeon will then create a pocket for the implant to be placed in and this can be between the breast tissue and chest muscle or behind the chest wall muscle. The size and shape of the breast, the looseness of the skin and your own anatomy will determine which position the surgeon feels is the best option for you and this will be explained and discussed at your consultation.

Surgeons at The Harley Medical Group use the Keller Funnel™ to introduce the implant into the created pocket rather than the traditional method of the surgeon using their gloved fingers. This medical device provides a low friction or less traumatic insertion method for silicone gel implants and means a shorter incision length.

The incision will be stitched, and these may be dissolvable stitches rather than ones which require removing and they will be covered by dressings and then a sports type bra which you will be advised to take with you. There may be drainage tubes in place which will be removed before you go home.






From your first enquiry through to your aftercare following your procedure, at The Harley Medical Group you will be looked after by our highly experienced nurses, surgeons, and doctors who always aim to ensure that our patients get the right procedure for them and take the time to understand your individual needs and goals.

All of our surgeons are experienced, on the GMC specialist register and UK based, and all undertake annual appraisals and most hold substantive posts within the NHS. 

Our core values are professional, ethical, integrity, caring and ambitious.

Our mission is to be the most trusted medical group to deliver exceptional aesthetic results and experience to each and every patient.

About Breast Enlargement Surgery

Founded on Care

Breast Enlargement Surgery Costs

We always endeavour to be completely transparent at every stage of your journey with us which is why all prices quoted are complete and include Mentor Implants, Keller Funnel™, all pre-operative tests and all post-operative care. There are no hidden extra costs.

Prices from:


*Based on a £500 deposit and 12 months 0% finance


Monthly payments*:


What does the procedure entail?

The Breast Enlargement procedure usually takes between one and two hours to complete and it is carried out under general anaesthetic. After your treatment, you may require an overnight stay in hospital so that your progress can be monitored. Your cosmetic surgeon will begin by making small incisions in the natural crease underneath the breast, in the armpit or the underside of the nipple area. They will then insert the implant either behind or over the muscle and breast tissue to give a natural shape before closing the incisions with surgical sutures. Your surgeon will advise which position will deliver the best results for you. You can discuss the Breast Enlargement procedure in more detail with your Cosmetic Surgeon during your consultation. In most cases our surgeons will use the Keller Funnel™ in their breast procedures, and at no additional cost to our patients. The Keller Funnel™ is an FDA* approved medical device that allows the surgeon to position the breast implant with minimal contact to the implant itself. This means that the breast implant never meets your skin during Breast Enlargement surgery ensuring it remains perfectly sterile. The funnel also allows the surgeon to make a smaller incision, which means that recovery time after surgery should lessen as the procedure is less impactful on the body.

Can I have surgery if I am pregnant or breast feeding?

No, we are unable to offer any surgery while you are pregnant or breast feeding. However, please contact us 6 months after giving birth or after breast feeding and talk to our friendly advisors to discuss next steps.

How long do Breast Implants last?

We use Mentor Breast Implants, and these come with a 10-year warranty (which includes free replacement in the case of capsular contracture. Mentor, a Johnson & Johnson brand, has been producing the highest quality breast implants for more than 20 years. They are approved by the US FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) and exceed CE and MHRA testing standards following more than 20 years of clinical data. They are also the UK’s leading provider of implants for breast reconstruction patients. It’s important to bear in mind, breast implants will usually last between 10 and 12 years, after which they’ll need to be replaced.

How do I choose the right cup size?

Choosing the right size is crucial and this will be a big part of your surgical consultations. The sizes available to you will depend on your current breast size, your build and the amount of loose fat or skin in the chest area. A round breast implant, currently the most popular style in the UK, looks like half a sphere is no defined top or bottom. Round implants give a full look directly under the nipple area providing the classic augmented appearance. The CPG implant, also known as teardrop or anatomical implant, is currently the most widely used implant in the world. Teardrop implants have less volume towards the top of the implant and are fuller at the bottom, more closely resembling the look of a natural breast. Teardrop breast implants do have a slightly longer recovery time, but produce a far more natural result, which is becoming increasingly popular. The only difference between the round and the CPG (teardrop) breast implant is the shape. Both implants have the same unique, patented Memory Gel and outer shell and both come in a variety of projections and sizes. Most importantly both implants are tested to the highest exacting standards.

Will I be left with scars?

For the Breast Enlargement procedure, surgical incisions are made in the most discreet places possible. This means that scarring is minimal and usually hidden in the armpit or under the natural creases of the breasts. Any scarring you are left with, following the Breast Enlargement, will fade over time until you are left with very faint marks that are barely noticeable.

Where can I get a Breast Enlargement?

At The Harley Medical Group we perform Breast Enlargement procedures at all our clinics across England.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Breast Enlargement Before and After Examples


Breast Enlargement at The Harley Medical Group

Breast enlargement surgery, also known as breast augmentation or breast enhancement, is one of the most regularly performed procedures in the UK and involves the insertion of implants under the breast tissue to increase the size or change the shape of the breasts.

Many women choose to have breast augmentation surgery to boost body confidence and to feel comfortable with the size and shape of their breasts.

Breast Enlargement & Augmentation surgery at The Harley Medical Group is rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 3,838 reviews


I have never felt so self confident as a result of my Breast Augmentation. My results look so natural and the results have exceeded my expectations on how good they look.